Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I Can See Clearly Now

These are all great men, and do you know what they have in common?

That's right, fashionable eyewear.

Well today at my physical, the optometrist figured that now is a good time for me to join the ranks of these great men, and join them I shall with great dignity and pride.

All I need is help figuring out what style suits me best. I sort of like the Teddy Roosevelt style, but maybe it is a tad old fashioned.

Using the latest photo editing software (Word), I did my best to give you some options to judge:



  1. I totally spent the last five minutes trying to figure out why you were wearing a denim scarf. Ha! Very funny pics! Also, I concure with Keri.

  2. First of all, I literally LOL'd reading Lydia's comment! Second of all, option 1 (or at least the concept of huge frames) is in style right now. Third, what about contacts? :) Whatever you pick, I'm sure it's not going to be because you polled your blog readers lol.

  3. Mil issue is always fashionable right? And the you will have that sweet headband to hold them on. Good deal. Glad I could clear that up for you.
