Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Where I Get My News

Often I'll ask people if they watch the news. If they say no, then I know that they are most likely uninformed. If they say yes, then I know that they are most likely either misinformed or still uninformed on important issues.

I would highly encourage you to get your news from the internet.

"But...but...but...You can't believe everything you read on the internet"

Yes, yes. I know you can't. But you're implying that you can believe what you see on TV, and if you believe that, you're fooling yourself.

The internet is a wonderful thing because you get news from EVERY angle and you can make your own conclusions, rather than the talking head on TV telling you what is happening. Also, most mainstream news websites look something like this:

Kim Kardashian Wore a Red Dress to the Oscars!
Obama uses executive order to destroy the 2nd amendment while Congress increases the debt ceiling for the 75th time this month while Ben Bernanke claims that we need to do away with the debt ceiling all together because it serves no useful purpose.

So, without further ado, a list of where I get my news from (These are all currently on my bookmarks bar):

1. The Drudge Report

This is by far the best "all around" news site. This website doesn't write any of their own news article, but scours the web and posts links to important news articles. If I could convince you to check just one website once per day, this would be it.

2. The Daily Paul

This website is my addiction. This is one of the biggest forums formerly dedicated to Ron Paul. Notice that this is a forum, not necessarily a news site, but the owner of the website, Michael Nystrom, posts all the "newsy" things and posts them on the homepage. I will also point out that the "Paul" in the title of the webpage is written "P.Au.L" - which stands for "Peace-Gold-Liberty."

3. Reality Check / Full Disclosure

The name Ben Swann may ring a bell. I posted one of his videos back on November 17. He works for a local news station out of Cincinnati, Ohio and does a segment called "Reality Check" where he digs through everything to find out what people are saying are true or not. Think of it as snopes for journalism. He is a true voice of reason in investigative journalism. He recently started his own side show sort of thing called "Full Disclosure." You'll notice that "Full Disclosure" site is a FaceBook website, which as you know I don't have. The Daily Paul always keeps me up on what Ben is up to and all his latest videos. If you do still have Facebook, "like" him (Ben Swann WXIX) to get all his updates for both Reality Check and Full Disclosure.

Fun fact about Ben Swann: He was home-schooled through what is called "accelerated education." His mother home-schooled all 10 (yes, 10!) children with this method which resulted in all 10 (yes, 10!) children graduating high school at 11, getting a college degree at 15, and a master's at age 16. Read more about it here. (It really is interesting)

4. Lew Rockwell

This is similar to the drudge in the sense that it is a bunch of links to others' blog posts, but still good stuff. Lew Rockwell is the chairman/CEO of the Ludwig von Mises Institute. This is a heavily leaning libertarian/Austrian economics website.

5. Yahoo

That's right - is on my bookmarks. This is my "what's the mainstream news saying" website. If you scroll to the bottom of the page, you'll find the comments section. You should read those.

So there it is. I occasionally will glance at the other mainstream news just to see what's being put out there. To my conservative friends, please stop watching FoxNews. To my liberal friends, please stop watching MSNBC.

Any places that you would add to get news from?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

When Should You Shoot A Cop?

If that title doesn't grab your attention, I'm not sure what will. This is a great video I found that I highly recommend you watch before you answer "NEVER!"

"When evil is 'legal,' become a criminal. When oppression is enacted as 'law,' become a lawbreaker." - Larken Rose

Note* -There is a "bad word" written (not spoken) at 7:42

More to come on the upcoming gun legislation, it's coming quickly.